Sunday, May 9, 2021

Why Do We Insist on Making Learning Music Hard? Episode One

Pick up a sheet of vocal music and tell someone to read it.
Now, try to explain why, in 2021, we aren't printing/displaying sheet music such that the frequency spaces between notes are more to-scale.
It's time.
We ask new singers and new musicians to overcome this pretty-glaring issue of inaccuracy.
"How far up do I go from a C to the note on the next line?", they might ask.
Well, it depends on the key", we say.
Why can't we just pinch the lines in for the half-step distances? Surely, we have the technology to do this. The graph-that-is-the-staff should be to scale!
Now, the barbershopper in me also believes that it wouldn't kill us to do this for chords, too, but there are different schools of thought on whether you harmonize to the melody or to the key. So, for now, making the musical scale a more accurate graph, and thus more intuitive for learners, would be a nice start.

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